Emergency Management Common Operating Picture
Better information • Better decisions • Better outcomes • A safer community
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This is the Home page for EM-COP Training
Feedback is appreciated: cop.support@em.vic.gov.au
Please note: You must register separately on the EM-COP Incident
and EM-COP Training websites.
Welcome to the new EM-COP
Please Login using your existing EM-COP username and password or select Register. If you have forgotten your password go to Login and select Forgot your password.
For feedback, FAQs and other support information, go to Help or send an email to cop.support@em.vic.gov.au.
What is EM-COP?
EM-COP is a web-based information gathering, planning and collaboration tool that runs on any full screen device with a modern browser such as desktop computers, laptops and tablets.
The new integrated EM-COP now includes Desktop (from EM Portal) and Library (from EM Knowledge).
What does it do?
EM-COP is designed to provide users with a simple way to gather, organise, create and share emergency management information between emergency managers at no cost to agencies.
Who can use it?
EM-COP can be used in any control centre, shire council, not-for-profit relief organisation, essential service provider or on the ground. You will be able to access situation awareness more quickly and effectively than ever before.
When is it used?
EM-COP is used before an emergency (to help plan and prepare), during and after an emergency (to assist with recovery). EM-COP can also be used to manage planned events.