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Terms of Use
Your access to and use of the Emergency Management Common Operating Picture system ('EM-COP’) is subject to these Terms of Use, as updated from time to time. If you do not comply with these Terms of Use, your user account may be deactivated at any time.
The data, maps, graphs, diagrams and any other information or materials contained or incorporated by reference in EM-COP ('Content') is confidential. You may only use them for the purposes of the State of Victoria's emergency management mitigation, planning, response and recovery, and in accordance with these Terms of Use.
Emergency Management Victoria (‘EMV’) may require you to:
- sign a confidentiality agreement to this effect; and/or
- destroy or return any materials containing the Content or any information or materials created from the Content ('Related Information').
Sharing Content from Emergency Management Common Operating Picture
You are only permitted to share the Content and Related Information with the Victorian Government emergency services agencies, statutory authorities and other organisations specified by EMV from time to time, for the purposes of the State of Victoria's emergency management mitigation, planning, response and recovery.
You must not, in any event:
- use EM-COP for personal purposes or for any other purpose other than those set out in the above paragraph;
- share or discuss the Content or Related Information, with any other person other than those set out in the above paragraph; and
- make any statement to the media (including on social media) about EM-COP or any of the Content or Related Information,
unless you have the prior written consent of EMV.
EMV has taken reasonable care to ensure that the Content is correct and current at the time of publication. However, EMV makes no warranty, either express or implied, concerning the suitability, reliability, availability, timeliness or accuracy of the Content.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, EMV accepts no liability whatsoever to you or to any person arising from or connected with the use of or reliance on any Content or Related Information.
Record retention for maps and other content created on EM-COP
You must comply with the Public Records Act 1973 (Vic) and any standards issued by the Public Record Office Victoria in relation to the retention and disposal of any public records you create or obtain from EM-COP, the Content or Related Information.
Your user account is for your use only. You must keep your password secure and you must not share your user account information or allow anyone else to use your account or your password to access EM-COP. You must log out at the end of each session.
If the security of your user account or password has been comprised, or you suspect that it may have been compromised, you must change your password immediately. Any breaches or suspected breaches must be reported immediately to the General Manager, Operations at EMV.
EMV may investigate unauthorised access to EM-COP and may take disciplinary action against those responsible for security breaches or unauthorised access.
When you register for a user account, you will provide EMV with your personal information. This includes details such as your name, organisation, email address and mobile phone number. Your activities while logged into the system will be subject to audit and review. EMV will use your personal information for the purposes of providing you with access to EM-COP and its Content, and for any other purposes permitted by the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic).
By registering for a user account and accessing EM-COP, you provide your consent to your personal information being used as set out in the paragraph above.
If you choose not to provide the personal information that is requested by EMV, EMV may not be able to be provide you with access to EM COP.
Copyright in the Content is owned by or licensed to the State of Victoria. You may only use the Content for the purpose set out in these Terms of Use.
Where EM-COP allows users to make comments, you must not make any defamatory or otherwise misrepresentative, objectionable or offensive statements.
Code of Conduct
All users of the system must comply with the Code of Conduct for Victorian Public Sector Employees and Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) and any other relevant code of conduct issued in accordance with section 61 of the Public Administration Act 2004 (Vic). If you are a contractor, you must comply with these codes of conduct as if you were an employee of the Victorian Public Sector.